Smarter Humans, Not Devices
Launched in May 2024, Calm Tech Institute is dedicated to redefining human-technology interaction by promoting design principles that enhance human life without causing stress or distraction.
Calm Tech Institute offers:
Calm Tech Certified™: A certification process that evaluates products against calm technology principles, aiming to complete assessments within two weeks.
Workshops and Training: Interactive sessions designed to educate teams on the principles of calm technology and their application in product design.
Team and Advisors
Case is the founder of The Calm Tech Institute, a foundation that exists to establish new standards for designing harmonious human-tech interactions that improve our lives. She works on design, governance, and AI through her position as a Research Director at the Metagovernance Project.
Case is an internationally recognized design advocate and speaker, and the author of four books, including Calm Technology and A Kids Book About Technology. She spent two years as a fellow at MIT’s Center for Civic Media and Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society and was a 2021 Mozilla Fellow.
Named one of Inc. Magazine’s 30 under 30 and Fast Company’s Most Influential Women in Technology, she was named a National Geographic Emerging Explorer in 2012 and received the Claude Shannon Innovation Award from Bell Labs. She was the co-founder and CEO of Geoloqi, a location-based software company acquired by Esri.
Business Designer
Robin Moreau is a designer-turned-business-developer that helps startups build delightful product experiences. Starting his career at mui Lab, Robin has been immersed in the world of Calm Technology since day 1, building new products and business models that leverage the power of Calm Tech principles. He's now based in Boston, supporting mui Lab's overseas growth and CTI's launch as a freelance consultant.
Dr. Matt
Designer and Researcher
Matt Gorbet twists technology to create the unexpected; he co-founded Gorbet Design, Inc. to create unconventional objects and experiences in public spaces. These artwork and installation projects have been exhibited internationally and installed permanently in retail, hospitality and educational environments.
Among the first graduates of the Tangible Media Group at the MIT Media Lab, Matt went on to become a member of the research staff at Xerox PARC in the 1990s, where his multidisciplinary team pursued speculative design of new document genres.
Dr. Douglas
Author and Media Theorist
Named one of the “world’s ten most influential intellectuals” by MIT, Douglas Rushkoff is an author and documentarian who studies human autonomy in a digital age. His twenty books include the just-published Survival of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires, as well as the recent Team Human, based on his podcast, and the bestsellers Present Shock, Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus, Program or Be Programmed, Life Inc, and Media Virus. He also made the PBS Frontline documentaries Generation Like, The Persuaders, and Merchants of Cool.
Advisor and CMO
Vanessa is founder and CEO of AnyContext, a high-end boutique consultancy offering customizable CMO services for companies shaping the future. She is also the founder of leveleleven, an advisory service promoting ethics in AI and product design, and offering compliance/policy frameworks for companies implementing artificial intelligence/automation.
Recent clients include leaders in generative AI, autonomous driving and robotics, healthtech, VR/AR, product design, and futures forecasting. Vanessa has also helped lead communications and content strategy for some of tech’s largest companies, including Pixar, Cisco and Samsung.
Regenerative Designer
Sarah Baxendell is an ecologist, designer, activist, artist, herbalist, and technologist working at the forefront of climate change, ecological crisis, and regeneration. She is the co-founder of ArtEcology, a global regenerative design studio working to restore nature. She supports the Calm Tech Institute through strategic go-to-market advisory and program architecture design.
Regenerative Designer
Emily Rogers is a regenerative designer, bioregional storyteller, and marketing maven, stewarding a vision for a life-affirming economy and global ecological health. She is the co-founder and Director of Marketing at ArtEcology, a regenerative design studio collaborating with forward-thinking partners including the BioFi Project, Walker’s Institute, Regen Network, Neighbourhoods, Terra Genesis, and the Calm Tech Institute. Since 2024, Emily has advised Calm Tech on brand strategy, web design, standards development, and operational frameworks.
Sato, Ph.D.
Entrepreneur / Researcher / Engineer / Inventor / Designer
Dr. Munehiko Sato is a researcher, engineer, inventor and designer working to redefine the human relationship with the physical and digital worlds. Over the years, Dr. Sato has pioneered technologies that can enrich human lives, drawing upon his background in computer science and mechanical and electrical engineering to design mechanisms that are conducive to commercialization. He served as a researcher at MIT Media Lab in the Camera Culture Group and currently servces as CXO at mui Lab.
Dr. Michael
Advisor and Researcher
Michael Zargham is the founder and CEO of BlockScience,is a complex systems engineering, R&D, and analytics firm. By integrating cutting-edge research, applied mathematics, and computational engineering, we analyze and design safe and resilient socio-technical systems for clients and partners spanning various sectors including for-profit, non-profit, academia, and government.
Dr. Zargham holds a Ph.D. in systems engineering from the University of Pennsylvania where he studied optimization and control of decentralized networks.
Fiction and Technical Writer
Hernán Ortiz’s is the co-founder of Fractal, where he develops innovative projects, and works as a technical writer for a cybersecurity company when not writing science fiction.
His short story collection, Indistinguible de la magia (Penguin Random House, 2016), won the Medellín Short Fiction Award. Other stories appear in Columbia Journal, The Barcelona Review, Black Dandy, and The Cafe Irreal.
Hoda Al
Associate Vice Provost, New York University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Hoda A. Alkhzaimi is the Director of Center of Cyber Security in New York University AD and a research assistant professor in New York University. She served in different posts for research and development in the Technology development sector for the past years, she also played a vital role in developing Cyber Security and Cryptology research and development ecosystems. She headed the Department of Research and Development for Cyber Security and Cryptology in different national initiatives in the United Arab Emirates along with her associations to different security initiatives nationally and internationally. She consults for special projects with national and international technology development initiatives.
Designer and Producer
Vivi Trujillo is the director of Fractal (, a Medellín-based non-profit that provides future-facing design & storytelling consultancy. As a seed planter, editor, designer, and producer of collaborative design fiction projects, Vivi guided the creation of Kij Johnson’s Myth Girls, Keiichi Matsuda’s Hyper-Reality, and Medellín Steampunk.