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CTI Certified

Process Overview


Our team of Calm Tech experts will assess your products against a set of rigorous criteria, ensuring that they meet the Principles of Calm Technology for your sector. 

Scoring and Feedback

Each product will be scored, highlighting areas of excellence, constructive feedback, and any remaining areas for improvement.

Certification Decision

Based on evaluation results, your products will be awarded Calm Tech Certification – or given a roadmap for future editions/updates to receive certification.


Industry Recognition
Calm Tech Certification represents a commitment to excellence in design. By displaying the Certification on your products, you promise consumers an exceptionally graceful user experience.

Competitive Advantage 
Amid an increasingly crowded market, Certification serves as a signal both to consumers and businesses seeking a compelling differentiation. 

Marketing and PR Opportunities
Upon certification, the Institute can collaborate with your team to create a tailored marketing and PR strategy, including press releases and case studies published across social media which amplify your commitment to Calm Tech.

Ongoing Support
Certified organizations can opt to receive access to ongoing support from our advisory team of experts, to maintain internal focus on Calm Tech through their entire lifespan.

Contact us for more information

Designing our future through the past

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